A downloadable OSR RPG Supplement

This is August's OSR adventure for my SubscribeStar Supporters. And I'm making this one FREE for everyone (as a shameless attempt to drum up what I am trying to do  on SubscribeStar). I won't be doing this often so check this out!

What this little adventure is a 3 level dungeon that is haunted mansion. Strange sounds and missing people seem to be a common occurrence in and around this very old mansion. The Player Characters are sent in to investigate this paranormal activity... But can they survive? This is a deadly adventure in a lot of respects but smart players (with lucky rolls) should be able to survive and win. Included are battlemaps that are VTT compatible for all three levels of the mansion. Enjoy! And if you like this kind of stuff, consider supporting me on SubscribeStar. Supporters at $3 a month get an adventure like this every month. Supporters at $1 get a dungeon map a week ($3 and up get the maps too of course). Thanks for checking out my SubscribeStar page! I hope you consider joining!


TBEA_6_The_Haunted_Mansion.pdf 3 MB
Mansion_L1.jpg 3.3 MB
Mansion_L2.jpg 3.2 MB
Mansion_B1.jpg 1.2 MB


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Great stuff!